My mission is to be the last person you ever have to reach out for help on your health and fitness because you will leave with knowledge that will keep you at your goals for life.
To get from point A to point B in your car you would want to take the straightest path that would get you there fastest, safest and most efficiently and this goes for your health and fitness goals too. Fad diets, quick fixes and not working to develop real lifestyle changes and mindset shifts will continue to put you off course, taking detour after detour not getting you to your destination as soon as you want too or if at all.
Macronutrients by definition are a type of food (e.g., fat, protein, carbohydrate) required in large amounts in the human diet.
You are consuming macros every single day but what you are typically not paying attention too is the quantity and ratio of these macronutrients and understanding how this effects your body and your goals.
My coaching is a science based approach teaching you the education behind nutrition, how to fuel your body and how to have your cake and eat it too with no restrictions! I do not believe in cutting out food groups and my mission is to teach you how to balance your goals even with busy life and work schedules.
No two people are the same and I pride myself in personalizing every client’s plan to ensure that they succeed and meet their true potential. This goes for their nutrition and their work out programming.
Before starting any program with me you will fill out a detailed questionnaire and then we will hop on the phone to discuss further in depth those answers so that I can ensure to design the program and plan that is best for you!

Let's get you to your goals!!!

It was not only through my own personal transformation that sparked my passion in helping others on their own health and fitness journey but also being aware of how much mis information was constantly pushed across many different platforms and how confusing making changes to better ourselves is.
When I was a spot where I could not lose weight and was actually gaining weight without understanding what was happening it took me to the books and that’s when I learned a deeper level of nutrition and what macronutrients were. I started implementing what knowledge I had then before becoming a Certified Personal Trainer when I wanted to have a deeper understanding and knew I wanted to help others on the struggles they were facing because I personally know how defeating it can feel and wish I had the guidance then because it would have saved me years of frustration.
My mission is to help as many people I can improve their health and fitness and be in a place where they can handle whatever life throws at them and 1st Phorm has given me another platform in order to do so. Every core value I believe in this company goes above and beyond of and not only do they make high quality, saved supplements that I feel great taking and recommending their nutrition app is another platform I am able to coach on in order to give others the best day experience possible.
No matter where your starting point is or financial situation I am able to help you get started in becoming the healthiest and happiest version of yourself!

I struggled with my weight on and off as long as I can remember. I never knew anything about nutrition and through high school the only reason I maintained a relative normal body weight was because I danced in ballet, jazz and pointe which kept me active but I never went to a gym and had no experience with any of it.
When I moved at 19 to Florida I was no longer dancing but my eating habits stayed the same.

and soon I found myself in the most uncomfortable spot of my life. I remember trying to find
clothes to wear to go to Universal Studios with my Dad who was visiting and wanting to just cry in my closet because I felt uncomfortable in everything and I can say that was one of my lowest points of my journey. There is nothing worse especially as a woman to be sitting on the floor in your closet full of clothes and feeling there is nothing to wear. I finally ended up wearing a black loose fighting skirt and shirt and definitely chose all black even though it was extremely hot outside because I felt it could hide some of me.
I began taking steps towards bettering myself after that and honestly had no idea what I was doing! I started off with the treadmill and would run a mile then walk over to Tijuana Flats order a power lite quesadilla and think I was doing something right. This is how little I knew at the time but I was doing something and that in our journey is the first step.
It wasn’t until I found a love for weightlifting and crossfit when things really started to move in the right direction. As a woman I never in my life thought lifting weights would be something that would make me smaller and tighter but that’s what started to happen and I also started to feel
During this time I had still not developed a healthy balance with nutrition. I was making progress but knew my diet choices were a factor holding me back. I was doing paleo at the time which is very restrictive, no carbs and it was very hard to ever enjoy a dinner or occasion out because food choices were limited. I was living in the all or nothing cycle. Monday through Thursday diet would be spot on then came the weekend the wheels fell off and I would binge on all the things I could not have during the week. This was not healthy and my relationship and understanding of food was not in a great place.
I knew I had to do something different and started researching for answers. It is then when I found out how to track macronutrients and learned that everyone needed a different ratio in order to best fuel their body. I learned how this could be implemented with a more flexible approach and after investing in time to learning myself I was able to transform not only my body but my mindset.
My own experience led me to wanting to help others develop healthy food relationships and to learn how to
being our healthiest with not missing out on important gatherings and the foods that we love! What took me years I am able to teach others in months through my experience and it’s the greatest passion in my life!